Francisco Franco

«Desfile de la victoria», 1939.

Franco, en el patio del Banco de España, dirigido a los jefes y oficiales del ejército (año XXXVII). Franco resume su desprecio a las ideas liberales y de la Ilustración: “Nosotros debemos ahora derribar la frivolidad de un siglo y desterrar hasta los últimos vestigios del fatal espíritu de la enciclopedia”.

US TV Francisco FrancoInterview: Francisco Franco & The Spanish Civil

This thrice weekly news program is sponsored by Longines-Wittnauer Watch Company. Major General C.A. Willoughby, Chief Intelligence Officer in the Far East, is on the show to discuss his views of Spain. Major General Willoughby is an expert in Far Eastern affairs. He has completed an in-depth study of the Spanish Civil War and is using it as a comparison with American politics, including the Cold War with Russia and the Korean War. Despite their controversial actions, Major General Willoughby concludes that we should judge Spain on its reliability as a possible ally if needed. See the full length video at:

1973. Desfile militar.

Memorial to fascist dictator Francisco Franco

A debate is ongoing in Spain over whether to remove a memorial to fascist dictator Francisco Franco northwest of Madrid. Powered by Producer : Reuters

Franco Mussolini Hitler

Francisco Franco Caudillo de España por la Gracia de Dios (1957)

Francisco Franco Caudillo de España por la Gracia de Dios (1966)


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